A lovely Chinese New Year's snack; soft, slightly sweet, and chewy, this is a wonderful traditional dessert. Ready in only minutes. Serve with steaming...
This is a fabulous lasagna made with an artichoke and spinach mixture which has been cooked with vegetable broth, onions and garlic. The mixture is layered...
Tart balsamic vinegar brightens up bell peppers, sweet tomatoes, and juicy chicken sausage for flavorful Italian fare. Bring it all together with toasted...
Grew up eating golumpki. Yes I'm mostly Polish, but always wanted more sauce on them and didn't like the 'mushiness' of the burger inside. This is the...
A simple way to prepare chicken that looks like you spent a lot of time preparing. It can also be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated until baked....
Give pork ribs an Asian makeover with this tasty sticky hoisin pork recipe. Put it in the slow cooker and come back later for a delicious and tender feast...
This Italian spinach and ricotta pie (torta pasqualina) from the region Liguria is traditionally eaten for Easter, but can of course be served any time...
This recipe takes time but you won't be disappointed. Give yourself a little luck o' the Irish with this Americanized version of an Irish feast. Serve...
A sweet and salty brine is the secret to this Asian-inspired pork tenderloin. Let the pork tenderloin soak in the brine for 2 to 8 hours to become tender,...
We're going to simplify traditional porchetta by making a smaller, simpler version using pork shoulder. It makes a great sandwich, especially topped with...
This is an amazing shredded pork recipe similar to what you would eat in a rice bowl (or in an enchilada) at a Mexican restaurant. It is easy to prepare...
This is the quintessential macaron (NOT macaroon) recipe. I am a baker's apprentice, and after much trial and error, we (the baker and I) finally perfected...
Always the crowd pleaser at any BBQ. Sweet and sticky. This family favorite was handed down to me. I wouldn't do ribs any other way. It's a little involved:...
This is a great dessert. You may substitute commercial caramel ice cream topping for the dulce de leche for a quicker preparation, but the homemade dulce...
This recipe was passed down through my family for years. If you're looking for a great tasting, tender chicken breast, this is what you're looking for...
This recipe was created when we felt like having spicy, Oriental tasting food. It's delicious, and uses bold ingredients such as peanut butter, fresh ginger...
A simple meal to whip up in less than an hour that even the kids are sure to love. Layers of seasoned ground beef, corn, tortilla chips and cheese are...
Black beans and rice are the logical accompaniment to this hearty pork roast. A salad of orange slices, red onion and arugula dressed with a tangy cilantro...
These are beef filled tortilla shells baked in a creamy chicken soup and cheese sauce. My husband absolutely loves these. I served them to guests once...
Tagines are Moroccan slow-cooked meat, fruit and vegetable dishes which are almost invariably made with mutton. Using lamb cuts down the cooking time,...
This is my grandmother's cheesecake recipe passed down to my entire family. It's the best. I can't believe I'm sharing it, but everyone needs to know how...
Beans and greens has it all: it's very easy and inexpensive to make; it's highly nutritious; it's soulful and comforting; and it can be served as a main...
Just what the grandkids ordered. Tater tots, Mexican food, and cheese! This is one of those meals that you can throw together with ingredients you would...
Just like Mama used to make! Nothing beats fresh pasta, and this simple semolina and egg recipe is the best thing ever. You can use this recipe to make...
This is a lovely sweet-and-sticky meal without the guilt the family whole family will enjoy. If you are cooking with rice or another side that takes awhile...
A delicate, flavorful dish that will satisfy vegans and carnivores alike! Inspired by my family's deep Coptic Orthodox Christian tradition, this is a great...
A quick and easy vegetarian dish for two, or a starter for 4, or even a side. A rustic Italian favorite, taught me by my Roman friends. If serving as a...